Our team of engineering specialists at Kagaoan Engineering understands the physical, monetary, and time concerns regarding construction and retrofitting projects. We develop answers to common problems, find solutions to unique situations, and perform regular testing and monitoring for businesses, private parties, and civil engineering teams. With decades of experience, regular training for updates and new systems, and a tight connection with local zoning boards, our team streamlines the foundation building and repairing processes for NYC communities and nearby areas.
Applications Where Deep Foundation Piles are Useful
- Bridges
- Elevated roadways
- Highways
- Storage tank farms
- Retaining walls
- Large commercial buildings
- Industrial complexes
- Manufacturing facilities with heavy equipment
- Tall structures like high-rises
- Energy stations
- Building expansions
- Stadiums and sports complexes
- Levees
- Feed mills
What is a Drilled Pile?
Drilled piers, shafts, caissons, or piles are large formations that construction crews make by using an auger to dig down deep into the earth. The team works to remove dirt to a specific depth. Then, a caisson or waterproof shell goes into the hole. Finally, the piles go in the hole piece by piece and get a cement filler after reaching the correct depth. The casing encloses the pile to prevent water damage and premature deterioration.
Once the caisson is in the correct position, the team can pump water out of the hole if it rains during the project. We erect drilled piles on-site letting our team of engineers monitor the progress of the project, the quality of the foundation, and ensure ground stability with full structural integrity.
These products come from the manufacturer ready to put into the ground. Driven piles offer a consistent and affordable product for many firms. Installation is often faster with these systems saving businesses time and money. It takes a specialized engineer to help builders decide which method of deep foundation securing is best for a particular project. Types of driven piles include:
- Wood piles
- H-frame designs
- Pipe piles
- Steel sheeting
- Concrete
How Driven Piles Differ from Drilled Caissons
The main difference between the two piles is the way they go into the soil. Driven piles require a hydraulic hammer or vibrating machine to wiggle them into the earth. Drilled piers go in the ground after we bore the first hole into the dirt or rock surface. Sometimes, drilling is necessary to place driven piles, but the final placement requires heavy machinery to pound or hammer the pile into the dirt. More dissimilarities include:
- Driven piles are usually smaller than drilled piles
- Drilled shafts cost more, but they also hold more weight
- There are fewer pieces to coordinate with driven piling
- Installation is a redundant process requiring much less oversight than drilled pier and caisson placement
- Driven piles do not bow out or change shape under loads and with each successive pier
A considerable difference between these types of deep foundation piles is the quality control factor necessary for on-site drilled piles. An in-depth understanding of engineering formulas and local soil layers is essential for correct placement. Our team of geotechnical specialists and technicians at Kagaoan Engineering is proud to offer our expertise and skills to builders in New Jersey and New York.
Benefits of Both Driven and Drilled Piles
- • Stabilization for earthen areas with above average movement or ground force
- • Prevents the side-to-side shifting of structures and soil
- • Spreads the load of tension anchoring systems evenly
- • Reduces building shear
- • Provides support in soil that constantly changes
When constructing any large building or heavy structure, it is necessary to support the build. Some earth layers are not compact enough to hold up the weight of a particular project. In these instances, engineers can measure, test, and create foundation support through the use of driven or drilled piers. These piles add stability to foundations under heavy loads. They can restrict movement in the foundation from above and below the pile along with minimizing lateral movement.
Even though driven piles have many styles and shapes, our engineering team at Kagaoan Engineering has decades of experience to ensure a proper installation no matter which option you choose. We work with your team of architects, contractors, and construction workers to develop a cost-effective solution depending on the weight, soil tests, and length of time you need to provide support for your build. We count on the diverse experience of working with local businesses, civil entities, private firms, international corporations, and safety regulators to let us customize a solution to meet the scope of your foundation needs.