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Concrete and Pile Underpinning

Concrete and Pile Underpinning Peer Reviews -  NYC, Manhattan, The Boroughs, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Long Island, and New Jersey - Kagaoan Engineering

Concrete and Pile Underpinning Peer Reviews -  NYC, Manhattan, The Boroughs, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Long Island, and New Jersey - Kagaoan Engineering

Concrete and Pile Underpinning

Underpinning is a process that involves stabilizing the slab or foundation of bridges, businesses, highways, and other structures. If a building or heavy structure sinks, settles unevenly, cracks, or experiences problems with shifting, then temporary or permanent repairs may be necessary to shore up the foundation and make the property safe. Underpinning can involve the use of concrete, steel piles, or other methods of stabilizing the foundation. This solution usually works well for structures with insubstantial foundations or applications where expansion upgrades are in the works. 

Our vast experience working with clients in the New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut areas lets us offer a diverse range of services. To schedule an appointment for a free estimate or to see what custom options our teams offer, please call us 516-208-1533. 

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Whether your firm needs help to fix a problem or protecting against possible slab issues, we can help. Our geological engineers at Kagaoan Engineering understand the importance of fixing foundation issues in emergencies, planning ahead, and stabilizing soil packs before installing the slab. We can test the soil, measure ground movement, track the changes in adjacent buildings, install retaining walls, or put in piles to strengthen foundations.

Who Uses Concrete Pile and Underpinning Services?
  • Property owners with land undergoing soil changes causing potential or imminent problems for the foundation
  • Building owners updating lots to serve other purposes including more traffic or additional tenants
  • Civil engineers looking for cost-effective solutions for fixing failing foundations
  • People changing the building use for a more substantial function
  • Builders who want to ensure a property can withstand earthquakes, fires, nearby construction, and other potentially damaging problems
  • Those looking to ward off foundation issues from flooding or extreme dry soil conditions
  • People wanting to protect the existing structural supports from adjacent construction or excavation projects
What Does Underpinning Do?

Underpinning gives construction teams the ability to support or create entire or partial foundations. This reinforcement helps stop sideways and vertical movements that may inhibit the safety of building occupants or the structure. Underpinning is a much more economical solution than excavating the entire site and installing a new concrete slab. 

Using piles works by putting concrete piles on each side of the structural walls that are stabilizing the foundation. The piles go to a particular depth we deem necessary for the weight load and soil conditions. Pins connect the piles to the wall giving it more rigidity. If a structure needs a larger foundation, then underpinning is an economical way to increase the slab size. 

Shoring up with concrete occurs by digging under a foundation and pouring concrete to build up the current foundation. This fix is best when using one single pour to accomplish the task, but large foundations may require a different method. Big slabs may need our team to pour concrete in sections. Our crews dig to a predetermined depth and we put concrete in the ground to fill the space reaching the foundation. We work around the slab until the new concrete increases the foundation height to the necessary thickness for stability and weight management. 

When are Conventional Concrete and Pile Underpinning Consulting Teams Necessary?

There are three primary reasons why someone might need the help of engineering specialists who have expertise in underpinning. If a building is undergoing construction to allow it to serve another or heavier purpose, then underpinning may be necessary. When it costs more to install a new foundation, underpinning is often a more economical option. 

Several remedial options for stabilizing the soil near construction sites, or to prevent damage in earthquake zones may require the use of conventional piles or concrete. Problems with groundwater seepage and too little draining can cause problems leading to foundation issues. In cases where a mistake occurs in pouring or securing the slab, problems may not be evident until the owner or architect find themselves needing a reliable solution like underpinning. 

Kagaoan Engineering is Your Trusted Conventional Concrete and Pile Underpinning Consultants in NYC and the Tri-state Area

Our team provides detailed inspections, testing, design, and engineering advice for clients in the Tri-state area. We specialize in all foundation types, sizes, and installations. Our diverse work experience includes assisting on small and large projects as well as overseeing construction from the initial testing to completion. We understand the complex regulatory process that these projects entail, and we are happy to offer our experience and skills for private and public builds and retrofits. 

From highly technical equipment use to thorough attention to detail, the engineers and designers at Kagaoan Engineering have the skills you need for a successful underpinning project. We will work with your team to ensure the project stays on time and utilizes safe and affordable practices to heed strict budgets and timelines. Our customers appreciate the itemized estimates, honest opinions, and innovative approach to each project. 

We know each project is a challenge with unique characteristics and requirements. Our team has the ability to adapt the processes to meet any changing needs or special conditions. Our workers always ensure the safest and most productive methods to keep your projects on time. Our goal is to help business and property owners realize the goals they envision for the site. Whether you are a small business, a government agency, or a private investor, our team of engineering specialists have the experience and dedication to ensure your project is successful.

Do you have a foundation with structural issues? Are you in need of a slab upgrade to support upcoming projects and building use? Call our team of geotechnical specialists at Kagaoan Engineering today at 516-208-1533. We look forward to working with you to make your project a complete success. 

Please contact us today!

About Kagaoan Engineering

Every member of Kagaoan Engineering is an experienced professional who brings distinct strengths and specialities to the company. We work together as team to ensure that your project has the skill sets required to succeed.
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